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Don’t cry for the Atwater rubble
The debate raged on [and off] for years, but in the end the Atwater house disappeared in a flash. Elmwoodies went limp and vow never to eat at Pano’s again, but the losses will be easily offset by the future gain in parking spaces, and hopefully a completely rebuilt building that will show there’s true…
Central Terminal approach repaved!
This is already “old” news, but I thought I’d mention it anyways… the Paderewski Drive approach to the Central Terminal (that’s the part between the circle and where the parking lot officially begins) has been repaved! Photo by Nathan Vester If you’ve been to the Terminal before, you’ll really appreciate the fact that driving up…
Low key
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It’s an exceptionally hot summer day in Buffalo. After a long, boring day at work, do you: A. Hop in the nearest pool B. Enjoy dinner and a movie in lovely, comforting air conditioning C. Take a stroll along the beach D. Rip four seasons of decorative crap out of the closet under the stairs…