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Things I’m not buying
With Stampede Friday and Shop-At-Work Monday now behind us, I thought it opportune to reflect on some of the frequently frenzied purchases consumers “need” that I don’t. Nintendo Wii – Perfectly happy pulling out my old school PS2 once a month to play Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Offline. We just don’t game enough to…
They took R jobs!
BuffaloPundit posted an email he got from a downstate toll collector… Hi… I was reading about the removal of the tolls in the blog, and caught the line about “everybody winsâ€. Not everybody. There’s about 150 of us down here maintaining I-84 that have no idea one way or the other about your toll booths….
Good morning, sunshine
This morning, Amanda and I watched the sun rise over the Holland hills from the cozy comfort of our bed. If that’s not affirmation that we’re in the right place now, I don’t know what is. I would have taken a picture, but I figured I can do that any day. Any day! Wow. The…
Red got me thinking that I should log my Idol prediction before the show is actually over. I picked Chris Daughtry pretty much since they went to Hollywood. I’m sticking with that prediction. If by some chance he does get voted off, he’ll have the first album out, and you can be sure it will…
SCVA Show this weekend
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