Central Terminal on Ghost Hunters
Next Wednesday (9/24) at 9:00pm on the Sci-Fi Channel, Ghost Hunters will air it’s exploration of the Buffalo Central Terminal.
Edit:(Video link broken – removed)
I was listening to Valero‘s second quarter conference call today, and while I’m sure that the prospect of another big oil company reporting all time record earnings will upset the likes of the Expose Exxon crowd, the downside of supply and demand is that darn supply-side sometimes can bite you in the ass when it…
Since Derek is a member of the “Crew” (I’ll let one of them explain in a comment what exactly that is), he thinks it would be fun to help me out in the delivery room with some of their more famous chants. I’m not entirely opposed to this, as I want to laugh as much…
The outgoing Broadway Market board of directors have decided once and for all that they are going to show us just how they’ve had the Market’s best interests in mind all this time by… attempting to sell off the Market’s historic artifacts! In what can only be described as a hissy fit of epic proportions,…
Every time you hear how an event, building, or business is promised to “restore Buffalo’s confidence” or “propel Buffalo into the 21st century” keep in mind how long people have been saying that. New York Times July 4, 1993 “Our confidence is lacking and we’re a little unsure of ourselves,” said Dennis Gorski, the Eric…
Our house came with it’s very own, not recently used, 8.5′ Birdview satellite dish. You know, one of these big suckers: I really had no use for it and since it was blocking my tractor’s path into the garden, began looking for options to dispose of it. I found a group of people that amazingly…