Central Terminal on Ghost Hunters
Next Wednesday (9/24) at 9:00pm on the Sci-Fi Channel, Ghost Hunters will air it’s exploration of the Buffalo Central Terminal.
Edit:(Video link broken – removed)
This may be the most unintelligible comment spam ever… Starting, they desideratum to be taught that filing lawsuits is not the course of sortie to accomplish to a deterrent piracy. Extent than, it’s to earn something mastery than piracy. Like calmness of use. It’s indubitably a serendipity easier to daunt one’s nose up at iTunes…
I did make it out to the presentation of the pro-net neutrality petitions to Senator Schumer’s office today. Jen has a wrapup on her site. I have more to say on the issue, but I’m still adjusting to Amanda’s new schedule, so it’ll have to wait for another day.
Just saw this on USA Today… “I was just at my psychiatrist and I said, ‘I just got great news: We hit the 4 million mark. And I’m angry. It should be 20 million,’” Stern says in the magazine, on newsstands Monday. “It’s insulting to me that everyone hasn’t come with me. I take it…
Monday was Ariella’s preschool open house/orientation. Of course I snapped a few photos… Today was the first official day of preschool – no parents! You can see how concerned Ariella was about this… Of course she was fine with the whole experience. And now she can finally tell people that she does something other…
… get out of Buffalo in January! Here I am, taking a walk on my lunch break, and even my fall/spring jacket is too warm! We’re going to have four straight days of ~50 degree weather? In BUFFALO?!? In JANUARY?!?!? I hope the rest of the country keeps that in mind the next time they…