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A few more post-picnic thoughts…
I have to admit, it was a bit weird going to a picnic and having the Buffalo News show up to cover it. You’re trying to act like they’re not there so they can get “candid” photos, while at the same time trying not to look like a complete idiot trying to set up the…
Punaro Glen Construction: Beginning of May
Two… months… later… Well, that time disappeared in a snap! I think the biggest thing we’ve learned so far is that regardless of how well developed your plans are when you walk in to meet with a builder, you will still go through six months of revisions before really starting. For efficiency’s sake, we scaled…
Yeah, it snowed
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Geocaching season is open!
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Bring on the Wal-Mart!
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QuickPlace upgrade, hour 39
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Happy belated b-day, Amanda!