This is not a bomb
On the anniversary of the very funny, panic-inducing Boston Mooninite invasion, several local artists spread LED art all over Boston on Thursday. This time with a disclaimer.
Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, recently commissioned a survey of American economists to find out their opinions on the presidential candidates. Interestingly, most economists are Democrats, and feel their party is the one with the right economic ideas. When asked which candidate for President would be best for the economy in the long run, not…
You know that the problems on the East Side must be over when Fillmore District Councilmember David Franczyk has time to move on to such quality of life issues such as “booming car stereos.” From his interview on WBEN… “All throughout the city you’ll see at all hours of the day and night you’ll see…
The Brewfest easily sold out all 3000 tickets, and the concourse certainly was packed! It really was a great event, until near the end when people started ducking into corners to piss and we had to keep chasing them out, which we were only partially successful in doing. Luckily we have a new floor cleaning…
I love cool water displays, like the fountains at the old Kahunaville. Someday I hope to grovel at the base of the Bellagio. So, naturally, I drooled a little when I saw this video clip about a specially designed waterfall that can scroll text and shapes. Alan’s probably going to get to see it in…
There’s no doubt that 2008 was a big year for the Punaros. Most of the year centered around the birth of Ariella, but it was also our first full year at the new house in Holland, and as any homeowner will tell you, that’s the busiest year of all as even our move-in-ready-condition house was…