This is not a bomb
On the anniversary of the very funny, panic-inducing Boston Mooninite invasion, several local artists spread LED art all over Boston on Thursday. This time with a disclaimer.
Ok… not that it ever really closed. But this was our first opportunity to get out and do a little caching this year. For the uninitiated, Geocaching is an activity where an object of some type is hidden at a specific location. That location’s lattitue and longitude are published on a website, along with a…
Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, recently commissioned a survey of American economists to find out their opinions on the presidential candidates. Interestingly, most economists are Democrats, and feel their party is the one with the right economic ideas. When asked which candidate for President would be best for the economy in the long run, not…
Thank God some people over at Buffalo Rising see through Tielman Park for what it is: This project can be just like the part of Main Street with out cars except… in the sky. Brilliant? Didn’t they have that look at the Embarcadero in SanFran when they stopped the building the elevated expressway. I don’t…