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Cruise Into the Past today at the Central Terminal
The Central Terminal Restoration Corporation and Lakeside Classic Cruisers are very pleased to announce they will be co-hosting a classic and custom car show on Saturday July 21st from 2 pm to 6 pm at the Central Terminal on 495 Paderewski Drive in Buffalo. If you would like to display your custom, classic or special…
Do not adjust your set
I’m upgrading to WordPress 3.0 and trying out the new default theme, which is fairly configurable. This place needed an update, so this is one way to force myself to do it. The WordPress 3.0 upgrade was the most painless software upgrade I’ve ever done. It literally took 30 seconds. No warnings, no errors,…
Flipped is a success!
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AMD coming to NY… but at a very high cost
From the WNY Progress Report: I know some will question the rationale in New York giving $1.2 billion in tax breaks and other incentives to a private company, but I think such questions can be easily answered in 2 ways: $2 billion in private investment and at least 1,200 permanent good paying jobs with AMD…