Milan, Italy
Here is the last of my photo highlights from my trip to Europe. Hope you enjoyed the series a fraction as much as I enjoyed taking them!
Ok… not that it ever really closed. But this was our first opportunity to get out and do a little caching this year. For the uninitiated, Geocaching is an activity where an object of some type is hidden at a specific location. That location’s lattitue and longitude are published on a website, along with a…
A grandma who will remain unnamed let Ariella get her little fingers in our ice cream cake the other night at Amanda and my combined birthday celebration. A big thank you to everyone for your generous gifts!
For Easter I made four 2kg batches of sausage – two for the smoker, one fresh batch for the grill, and a batch of breakfast sausage links (not shown). It was my first time using curing salts and smoking the sausage at a lower temp (160-180 F) than normal smoking temps. It was a tasty experiment, I…
At a time when Ralph Wilson is bemoaning the future state of the Bills, our arch rivals show off all their large market glory with this… the world’s largest High Definition display: From Engadget, “the 720p display is a whopping 137 feet wide by 50 feet high, making its diagonal dimensions 1,750 inches.” Now if…