Second Guess Thursday

Amanda sent me this perfect e-Card today: It’s Second Guess Thursday. I say it’s perfectly timed because I wasn’t having a particularly good week, and when I saw the card I understood why. I’ve been second guessing a lot of things in my life lately. Am I on the right career path? Should I change my investment strategy? Am I focusing on the right priorities? Do I watch too much TV? Am I spending enough time on volunteer efforts? Too much time? Should we invest more in our kitchen remodeling project? Should we even be remodeling the kitchen? Should we be looking to move? Should we be saving more money for a rainy day? Could I start my own business?

Life always has more questions than answers, but sometimes it seems like none of the answers want to reveal themselves. That can sometimes make life kinda funky, and I don’t mean that in a “shake your groove thang” kinda way. Luckily, I have a wonderful wife who gets me and finds very apropos e-cards for the occasion. That’s one thing I don’t need to second-guess!

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  1. You will NEVER have to second guess me, Sweetheart. You are a part of my soul. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. you are cutest brother i know… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    and just for the record, you can do anything.

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