Why Top Gear rules
They actually DO shit like this!
Buffalo Central Terminal Second Annual Train Show September 8 & 9, 10am-4pm Adults:$5.00, Children (3-12): $2.00, Family:$10.00 (2 adults & 2 kids). Attractions include: * Operating Train Layouts for all the family to enjoy. * Craftsmans Corner, to learn new ways to improve your layout. * Children’s play area with Thomas the Tank. * Door…
Ariella Sophia Punaro was born today, October 8, 2008 at 4:43pm. She weighed in at 8lbs 3oz and measured 20.5″. Amanda started having contractions after her doctor’s appointment yesterday, and we arrived at the hospital around midnight today. Her labor progressed steady through noon when she was fully dilated and they had her start pushing….
Well, WNYMedia.net is finally back. It’s good to have all those people back contributing to the Buffalo blogosphere. I do have one issue, though. What’s up with the depressing black theme? It reminds me a bit of the old Central Terminal site, who’s black & grey non-color scheme was often referred to as depressing itself….