Why Top Gear rules
They actually DO shit like this!
I sent out this press release yesterday and Buffalo Rising picked it up immediately. I forgot about posting it here, but since other bloggers are picking up on it now… The Central Terminal Restoration Corporation (CTRC) is pleased to announce our 2006 schedule of events. Returning this year is our Ninth Annual Spring Cleanup, the…
So, this is the weekend where I finally get to upgrade our internal Lotus QuickPlace environment (a system which I’m responsible for) to the semi-current 6.5.x release. We’re still running the ancient 2.0.8 version, which has been out of support for eons already. I wrote my original plan to upgrade this system to version 3…
Straight from WNYMedia.net, Congressman Higgins says that the Southtowns Connector project should be scrapped. “The Southtowns Connector project should be scrapped. It’s the longest running, most expensive transportation project in this region that hasn’t produced one public improvement, nor has it produced one construction or trades job. The fact of the matter is it never…
Former New York Senator Alfonse D’Amato recently became the spokesperson and chairman of the board for the Poker Players Alliance. This past week, he participated in a webcast answering questions from members.
Congratulations to Michele, Marc, and everyone who made Flipped possible! Amanda and I saw the second screening tonight, and it is a very well done film. I was glad to see that it wasn’t over-dramatized, and really just let the issue speak for itself, which was powerful enough. Sam Hoyt said in the film that…