
Canadian Muscle

Dodge Challenger

Announced today… the 2009 Dodge Challenger will be built in… Brampton, Ontario.

Personally, I don’t care where the car is built. It’s damn sexy, and that’s all that matters. It is, however, another one of those brain-benders for the UAW folk who have to come to terms that it’s a classic American muscle car from an American German company that’s not being built in this country, and there are lots of non-American car companies building cars in American plants employing American workers that are non-unionized and getting paid better than they are.

In other news… Chrysler announces it will downsize by 13,000 over the next two years.

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  1. You’re a little mistaken… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Chrysler is now a German company (HQ’d in Germany b/c of US tax system).

    So, we have a German company making an American muscle car in Canada! But the Challenger is pretty awesome and even though I’m a GM guy I wouldn’t mind having one of them!

    I’m kind of digging the new Pontiac G8 (http://pontiac.com/g8). I’m glad to see that GM is coming back around to rear wheel… ๐Ÿ™‚

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