Happy New Year!
Have a spam and virus free 2007!
Since the past week has been very busy and I can’t seem to escape my desk today (supervisor is in Brazil, which leaves me responsible for both the intranet and Praxair.com websites, and with the whole terrorism threat thing it’s a “high communication” day) I thought I’d do some catchup blogging during lunch. Amanda got…
Another great article on Buffalo Rising, this time showing just how little of the core of downtown has actually been preserved since circa 1960. The fact is, one of the few bright spots in Buffalo’s economy has been the power of the city’s high quality historic architecture and a recent wave of restorations to stimulate…
Bring it Back to Life benefit for the Buffalo Central Terminal Press Release: The long awaited release of the CD COMPILATION entitled “Bring It Back To Lifeâ€, featuring the finest recording groups from Buffalo and Western New York should be ready for release in December. This will be followed by a PRESS PARTY in early…
As some of you may know Derek and I embarked on a whirlwind tour of Europe, thanks to him having to go with work, back in March. Everyone has been asking how it went, what our favorite places were, etc. so over the next few days (baby allowing) I am going to write about the…
You’ve been floored by the reality of Flipped, now come leave reality behind for awhile to see a completely different type of movie. Prison of the Psychotic Damned premieres this Friday, June 23, at the Central Terminal. Doors open at 6pm to a live performance from the Voodoo Dollies, followed by two screenings at 7pm…
Weird Al for president!!!