Geriatric Jack
Jack doesn’t do much these days… just sits around waiting for the next Social Security check to come in.
I’ve added a category to the navigation on the right called “Interesting Reading.” It’s shaping up to be a collection of websites and blogs that I read on a regular basis and find interesting. Don’t get the wrong impression, though. Just because I put a link up to a site doesn’t mean that I agree…
Friday Five is my [most]weekly technology tidbits post. #1 – Google’s ’20 Percent Time’ Will Survive The Death of Google Labs [TechCrunch] Google announced this morning that it will be shutting down Google Labs, a platform that allowed users to interact and give feedback on experimental products produced by Googlers in their 20 Percent Time. While…
Somehow I’ve missed any press about this until today! The 5th Annual National Buffalo Wing Festival will take place 12-9 on Saturday (9/2) and 12-7 on Sunday (9/3) at Dunn Tire Park. Ticket prices are $5.00. And since this is Buffalo and we spend way too much time worrying about the weather… With the threat…
Some comment writers may wonder why their comments get held in moderation, or never displayed at all. Just so everyone out there is clear, here are our rules for commenting on this site. We will gladly allow comments that counter the opinions posted on this site. However… All comments on this site are moderated. I…