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They’re out there, and willing

Mary Kunz Goldman’s article about Alive Night came out today, and it was pretty good. BuffaloPundit ranked it an all new record-breaking low score of 1 on the mockability scale. I would have given it at least a 1.5 for poor fact checking (it’s broadwayfillmorealive.org and Paderewski Drive) but we can blame the editors for that. 😉

BuffaloGeek makes a shout out to a few of the folks in Buffalo who are committed to improving this area, reiterating Chris Byrd‘s quote, “Get involved. Just do something. Do anything.”

It’s with that mindset that Amanda and I became involved with the Central Terminal in the first place, and have been taking on more and more responsibility there since. I’ve noticed pretty much since I first expressed interest in getting involved with the Central Terminal that organization of volunteers was one of the weaker points of the group. We collected tons of forms from people that expressed interest in volunteering, but did a poor job following up with them and getting them to come back. When asked during my interview for the Board of Directors as to how I thought I could help the organization, I noted that I felt we could do a better job getting new volunteers and building our ranks.

With our extremely busy September events season almost upon us, and the fact that nobody else had yet stepped up to the task, I took on the role of Volunteer Coordinator for the CTRC. My first step was to go through the forms that people recently filled out, and post to our website, message board, and out to our general mailing list that we were reorganizing and wanted to collect email addresses for people interested in helping out. Since the message went out on Friday we’ve had 65 people sign up. I’m awestruck! It’s more than double my expectations. It also reiterates the fact that there are people in Buffalo that are willing to help out when asked. That people are willing to get involved. That’s a great feeling!

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  1. You guys are the Best! The CTRC is to me a model of what a group of people can achieve when they work together and both of you are a big part of that.

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