
Vacation Geocaching

We rarely go anywhere new without doing a little geocaching along the way. One thing that made this trip fun was the series of caches at rest areas along I-90 East. Out of four rest stops before we exited, we found three geocaches. The fourth appears to be missing altogether.

We hit a nice two-part multi that started us at a waterfall, made us do a little math in the rain, and then dropped us off at a winery, where we promptly engaged in a tasting and bought a couple bottles to bring back with us. Placing a cache at your place of business can be a good way to attract some people who may otherwise never come there. If anyone out there is interested in having a cache placed at their business, drop a comment here and we’ll be glad to hide one for you.

The GPS is almost always on when we’re driving or walking, and according to it’s odometer we logged 1150.64 miles. Geocaching, we had seven finds and three DNFs. This trip also brought my total finds over 50. That’s like, some kind of milestone or something. 🙂

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