Broadway-Fillmore Alive Meeting Slideshow
To go along with Amanda’s recap, here’s a short video montage.
Speaking of the Skyway… since winter has officially ended, let’s tally up Skyway closings. We had an early unprecedented storm in October that resulted in widespread driving bans, yet no official Skyway closings. We had another late start to winter, but then had a pounding of snow and frigid temperatures. For the second year in…
We had a little fun with the Christmas card this year – we had been waiting for some snow to take a “traditional” Christmas-y photo, but… like they say, if you can’t beat ’em join ’em! Hope everyone had a great 2015 and looking forward to an even better 2016!
The Central Terminal will be participating in Buffalo Old Home Week by offering a special tour: Central Terminal Tour Saturday, August 26th 2006 9:30 – 11:30 am Meet at the Central Terminal, Memorial Drive off Broadway to see Buffalo’s other Art Deco masterpiece. There is a $10 donation for this tour. I’m glad we were…
Let’s start off with the big news of the week – Microsoft buying Skype: #1 – 5 Key Takeaways From the Microsoft-Skype Press Conference [gigaom] On the morning Microsoft made its $8.5 billion acquisition of Skype official, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Skype CEO Tony Bates held a press conference in downtown San Francisco to discuss…