Titanic II
You had me until “Warm liquid goo phase.” Check out the trailer! Via Alex Halavais.
… when it’s 90 degrees outside, 85 degrees inside, no air conditioning, and noisy as hell because there are concrete contractors running around your yard digging, filling, hammering, and pouring concrete for the new patio and sidewalks. To make it worse, I had to close all the windows so the color powder doesn’t blow inside…
My brief blogging hiatus was due to a two week work trip to Europe. This was my first trip overseas and it was quite interesting, if exhausting at times. I visited nine cities in five different countries, used five airports and seven train stations, drove the Autobahn, and sat in countless taxis, buses, and subways….
I’ve heard a lot of skepticism that architectural tourism will never make Buffalo successful – that nobody really does that. USA Today has an article about two celebrities who would beg to differ. The actor broke away for personal time on Thursday, when Jolie arranged for the couple to have a private tour of Fallingwater,…
I was thinking about writing an update on Facebook about the latest in our home building adventure when I remembered – hey – we have our own blog. We pretty much stopped writing here when Facebook and Twitter got popular, exchanging blogging for microblogging. But since microblogging became social media which is now mostly everyone…