Milan, Italy
Here is the last of my photo highlights from my trip to Europe. Hope you enjoyed the series a fraction as much as I enjoyed taking them!
I love cars and talk about cars quite a bit. My first car was a ’95 Chevy Cavalier and what my father would call “Basic Transportation” meaning, it was a no-frills, no extras, get ya from point A to point B kind of vehicle. I didn’t know much about cars when I owned my Cavy,…
Sorry I haven’t had much to say in the past few days. We’ve been dealing with issues at work that leave me no desire to be around a computer in the evenings. I love my technology, but I also like to unplug every once in awhile. Thursday, I interviewed for a position on the Board…
After seven parties in six days, we finally get a break… until New Year’s Eve, when everyone will be coming here. Christmas is by far the busiest season for us. Amanda sang four masses between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, in between the various parties. I used my last two vacation days on the 21st…
USAToday had a brief story on geocaching yesterday. It provides a good, concise description of what this relatively new activity is and it’s benefits: Many geocachers regard the activity as a sport that blends components of travel, exercise, nature, technology and common sense. For the game, a geocacher uses a GPS receiver to find a…