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Friday Five – March 25, 2011
#1 – AP Stylebook Finally Changes “e-mail” to “email” [Mashable] The AP Stylebook, the de facto style and usage guide for much of the news media, announced on Friday that the abbreviated term for “electronic mail” is losing a hyphen, and with it, a relic of a simpler time when Internet technology needed to be…
Smooth sailing over the Skyway
100+ schools closed because of high winds. Surely the Skyway must have been closed, right? Nope. Sorry, folks. To be fair, it was closed for about an hour earlier in the week in one direction only because of a fender bender. That’s the first time this winter.
Buffalo Bloggers Picnic!!
Ah yes, you’ve all read how great it was by everyone else who attended, so let me reiterate once more, WHAT A GREAT TIME WE HAD!! 🙂 It was awesome to meet and greet all those people who we read and reply to each and every day! It was very surreal to be honest, for…