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Bauerle FUD
I didn’t get a chance to listen to Bauerle’s FUD today, but BuffaloPundit did. Tom Bauerle is badmouthing Buffalo Old Home Week and therefore badmouthing Buffalo and Western New York as a good place to live. Why? Because we suck and we’re an economic desert. The point, you mulleted prick, is that we’re accentuating the…
Camping cut short
We cut our camping trip down to the Allegheny National Forest short as we got drenched by rain again. That’s two camping trips this year, two rain-soaked adventures. Kinda sucks because it rained a grand total of what… three times this summer? With Amanda starting her new job on Monday, we didn’t want to sit…
Wait, their main financial concern is the cost of gas?
USA Today has an article that basically illustrates why young “adults” need better education in personal finance and economics. Read this paragraph: Adults aged 19 to 35 do not believe they earn enough to keep pace with the cost of living, according to the report by Qvisory, a nonprofit online advocacy and service organization. Forty-three…
Spam Filtering
This week’s Spam article is on a more serious note. Having long been a subscriber of McAfee’s security products, including McAfee SpamKiller, I was very curious as to certain changes made in their recent update from version 7 to 8. In version 7, SpamKiller would download all your mail to a “holding area” passing through…
The Jeep Waterfall
I love cool water displays, like the fountains at the old Kahunaville. Someday I hope to grovel at the base of the Bellagio. So, naturally, I drooled a little when I saw this video clip about a specially designed waterfall that can scroll text and shapes. Alan’s probably going to get to see it in…