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Storming through the castle series
This photo you have actually seen before here when I was playing around with Photoshop and desaturating the floor. Here is a more realistic version of the coloring. I just added a bit of vignetting to this photo, and the next which is the same courtyard, different vantage point.
Non-geek speak
As I was sifting through my feeds this morning, I ran across this posting by Lotus blogger Rocky Oliver. What really piqued my interest was not the Lotus Workspace vs. Bookmarks debate (I’m a bookmarks guy, myself) but the fact that Rocky’s “broad yet simple realization” is applicable well outside of the geek realm: People…
Quoted in the Buffalo News again!
Greg Connors has a piece in today’s Buffalo News about making money from blogging, which quotes yours truly: Derek Punaro blogs with his wife, Amanda, at He says there are not interested in selling ad space. “A lot of people incorporate ads into their site to defray their costs and bring in some income,…
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QuickPlace upgrade, hour 53
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In full glory
This is my new favorite photo of the Terminal, taken from outside of Arty’s during the Alive Night party on Friday. It’s a nice, full shot where you can see the tower, the concourse arch, and even the baggage building, yet it’s far enough away that you don’t see all the gritty details. I’m thinking…