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Bowled over
I really didn’t even intend to try and get Ice Bowl tickets when I woke up this morning. I figured with 75,000 seats the game wouldn’t sell out for quite some time. Then I said to myself, well, if I’m planning on going, I may as well try and get the best tickets possible. So…
I made up three new words Saturday during our annual picnic in Rochester. I know they’re new because they all returned 0 hits in Google, which I wasn’t even sure was possible. Right now a server at Google HQ is probably flogging itself for failing in it’s role to return at least one paid ad…
Aquarama Update
I exchanged a quick email with Larry Lallo from the Marine Star Project. Unfortunately, he didn’t have much to report. The project is at a stand still right now. We have not managed to locate a University to be our partner. Wish them luck! It’d be better to have the old Aquarama out at sea…
Anything’s Possible
My luck won’t quit today. Ari wanted carrots for a ‘healthy’ snack, so I went into the fridge and saw that they were all rotting in the bag. So I took them out and decided to steam the good parts for Cambree’s first veggies, so they wouldn’t go to waste. Got them into the pan…