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Friday Five – July 1, 2011
Friday Five is my [most]weekly technology tidbits post that I write for my internal Praxair blog and cross-post here. #1 – Google+ invite received, we go hands-on [Engadget] When news of Google Plus’ arrival broke today, we called the service an “all out assault on social networking.” After playing around with it for a bit,…
Great Scott!
Not only is it great that there still is a DeLorean Motor Company in existence, providing parts, service, restorations, and upgrades for the classic DMC-12 – the real star of the Back to the Future trilogy – but they have a sense of humor too! Try going to their parts search page and looking up…
Election Day has arrived
One advantage of having a newborn is that I haven’t been able to be completely bombarded by the pre-election insanity. On the Presidential level, issues stopped being discussed after the last debate, and we’ve only been subjected to Palin’s wardrobe, Joe the Plumber, and Obaminfomercials. On the local level, we have pretty much the standard…
Establish confidence. Catalyst for the 21st century. Yadda yadda yadda.
Every time you hear how an event, building, or business is promised to “restore Buffalo’s confidence” or “propel Buffalo into the 21st century” keep in mind how long people have been saying that. New York Times July 4, 1993 “Our confidence is lacking and we’re a little unsure of ourselves,” said Dennis Gorski, the Eric…
Buffalo blogging changes
Well, is finally back. It’s good to have all those people back contributing to the Buffalo blogosphere. I do have one issue, though. What’s up with the depressing black theme? It reminds me a bit of the old Central Terminal site, who’s black & grey non-color scheme was often referred to as depressing itself….