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Storming through the castle series
This photo you have actually seen before here when I was playing around with Photoshop and desaturating the floor. Here is a more realistic version of the coloring. I just added a bit of vignetting to this photo, and the next which is the same courtyard, different vantage point.
Darwin is calling
A couple Darwin Awards came up that Buffalo’s scavengers should take notice of. First, Steel is Gold: Steel is valuable, especially the high grade alloy used in steel cable. Scrap metal dealers do not ask questions. They pay in cash. And a good supply of cables can be found in elevator shafts. This particular goldmine…
Bad authority, bad!
Doesn’t it just seem a bit disingenuous that New York State politicians are complaining about an authority they created raising tolls? Come one! They LOVE the fact that it’s not themselves directly levying another tax. They get to play it off like they think it’s the worst thing in the world, but the money just…
Gas is falling… because of Republicans?
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I think I’m on the Ron Paul bandwagon
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They took R jobs!
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