Um, Toto?
A quick snapping flickrer grabbed this photo today over the lake:
I love how The Tax Foundation can put things into perspective so simply and eloquently. “While the oil companies experience record profits, the federal government has been giving them a free ride,” Jeff Rickert, vice president of the Apollo Alliance, charged during a news conference Tuesday. In the most recent flap over “excessive†profits, ExxonMobil…
Each 4th of July party at our house is headlined by a smoked turkey. We usually pick an extra one (or three) up around Thanksgiving when they’re insanely cheap and keep it socked away in the freezer until a week before the 4th, when the defrosting process begins. This year’s bird was 19 lbs, and…
Last Thursday, our good friend Mike Miller passed away. Many people knew Mike from the work he did for the Buffalo Central Terminal, Broadway Fillmore Alive, and most recently Preservation Buffalo Niagara. We knew Mike first as a friend, and a great advocate for Wesern New York second. You often hear people say, “He’s the…
Visited a new place for the first time today while geocaching – the Times Beach Bird Trail. The cache happens to be out on the breakwall, which made for a rocky, yet fun hike. You never know what you might see on these little adventures… The Buffalo Light The Buffalo Fire Boat (Edward M. Cotter)
Apparently, the latest path to saving the Earth is via screwing with the bacteria in a cow’s stomach, replacing it with a kangaroo’s. What the hell is this going to do to food packaging and grocery store isles? We’re going to need a whole new shelf to separate the organic, free-range, native bacteria beef from…
This year marks the tenth that Amanda and I have been volunteers with the Central Terminal Restoration Corporation, and my fourth serving on the Board of Directors. The CTRC is in the best position it’s ever been in to succeed and move into the future, and with that knowledge Amanda and I are both “retiring”…