WNY Technology Blog
Infotech Niagara has launched the WNY Technology Blog. It looks like it has some promise to provide insight and commentary into the Western New York technology arena. Add it to your RSS reader!
Scott Adams, who write Dilbert, also has a blog. Some days, it’s just too damn funny, like today’s entry about the death of al-Zarqawi. This is a classic yet rare win-win-win-win scenario. The new Iraqi government is happy because he’s dead. The Americans are happy because he’s dead. Even his friends and coworkers are happy….
Back on to the Europe photos then. Still traipsing around Madrid, we are. Psst…. I also made a little tweak to the site’s CSS so that anytime I center an image it automatically adds a 20px black frame around it. Nice, huh?
Merry Christmas to all our friends and family! Earlier this year, we went to Bronner’s CHRISTmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth, MI, a place I had been to several times over the years when visiting family in Michigan. I’ve had one of their signature handpainted ornaments for years, so we got one for Amanda and Ariella to…
FYI for anyone that’s trying to call us, our home phone is not accepting incoming calls. Call the cell instead. If you don’t know our cell numbers… you probably don’t know our home number either. Leave a comment. 😉
I spotted this truck the other day at Mighty Taco on Sheridan and snapped a very poor photo of it with my Treo (lighting was on the wrong side, sorry). I forgot all about it until I saw this topic come up on Buffalo Issue Alerts. The idea is that in addition to satellite and…
After seven parties in six days, we finally get a break… until New Year’s Eve, when everyone will be coming here. Christmas is by far the busiest season for us. Amanda sang four masses between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, in between the various parties. I used my last two vacation days on the 21st…