Sucks to be Rudy
A few months ago, nobody would have expected the New York Times to evict him from their candidate tracker. He was the mayor of what city again?
Former New York Senator Alfonse D’Amato recently became the spokesperson and chairman of the board for the Poker Players Alliance. This past week, he participated in a webcast answering questions from members.
I’ve been a bit lax in posting updates here (as per usual) however most know from other social media sources that I was elected to the EA Coop Board of Directors earlier this year. The Coop is now in the middle of it’s most important venture – the capital campaign to raise the necessary funds…
For three years we have been driving our Realtor Jen Weber CRAZY with visiting many pre-owned homes in our area. When that wasn’t working out, we turned to looking for land. After a few failed attempts, we found a perfect lot in Colden, which is now ours!! Of course now that means we are on…