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Second Guess Thursday
Amanda sent me this perfect e-Card today: It’s Second Guess Thursday. I say it’s perfectly timed because I wasn’t having a particularly good week, and when I saw the card I understood why. I’ve been second guessing a lot of things in my life lately. Am I on the right career path? Should I change…
It’s 8am on a Saturday
… and I’m up voluntarily. I realized this may be one of the last times that I am up voluntarily on a Saturday for 15 years or so. We’re in the home stretch of baby brewing time – 7 weeks to go. It’s not enough time! Not because we aren’t “ready” but because we have…
Kuala Lumpur International Airport
While I didn’t actually step foot outside the airport, KLIA is quite scenic in it’s own right. Since I had four hours to kill between China and India, I took advantage of the architecture. Click to view full sized
The ultimate NIMBY effect: gas prices
I was listening to Valero‘s second quarter conference call today, and while I’m sure that the prospect of another big oil company reporting all time record earnings will upset the likes of the Expose Exxon crowd, the downside of supply and demand is that darn supply-side sometimes can bite you in the ass when it…
Where is that durned Aquarama now?
Parked at the Port of Trois-Rivières in Quebec. Click the link or the photo to take you to the port’s webcam. The current rumor is that it’s going to Malaysia to become a casino, but it’s all just rumors for now.
Few more tweaks
I’m still playing with the site and the new WordPress Twenty Fourteen theme. Â Though the help of the excellent Fourteen Extended plugin, all posts are showing in reverse chronological order on the home page now. Â The featured posts at the top are not necessarily the three most recent anymore. Â I’ve also changed the homepage to…