Back from the moon
I have returned from the moon Boston, and eagerly searched eBay to find my very own LED Ignignokt. Current bid… $625, or you can buy it now for $2499.99!
If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, you can always build your own.
I have returned from the moon Boston, and eagerly searched eBay to find my very own LED Ignignokt. Current bid… $625, or you can buy it now for $2499.99!
If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, you can always build your own.
via Power Line… For a man of Biden’s experience, this is a surprising series of misstatements. First of all, he gets wrong one of the most basic facts about the Constitution: Article 1 establishes the legislative branch, not, as Biden said, the executive branch. This is not exactly an obscure fact; my 17-year-old daughter pointed…
Poor Dave Franczyk is having some troubles this week, due to his flippant use of the term “ethnic cleansing” in regards to the Catholic church consolidating parishes on the east side. Since music soothes, I thought I’d send him this virtual present. *snicker*
Hey Derek,
Thanks for adding to the discussion at my site with your “on the scene” reporting. That was great…added a lot to the open thread.