One of my favorites
This is one of my favorite Christmas songs (this version only) and certainly one of the best duets of all time. Enjoy!
… that before we left on our vacation last Sunday, I went out and bought an XM satellite radio so we could listen to the Sunday afternoon game vs. the Rangers on our drive to destination #1 – Rehoboth Beach/Lewes, Delaware. Ok, there’s a little more backstory there. Amanda had been looking at getting satellite…
I had intended on going out to take photos of the eclipse, but instead found myself enthralled with the total view of the night sky. This, my friends, is why you move out to the country. (click for full size view) Here’s the Eclipse, nearly full.
Well, I finally finished going through all the QuickPlaces removing conflict docs. This brings the QuickPlace upgrade to a close…. or does it? Well it would, but it seems that somewhere along the line the address book on our production internet server decided to play hide and seek with some of our custom design elements…
We’d like to welcome our good friend, Mike Miller, to the blogosphere! His new blog Shades of Gray will give a slighly different perspective on life in Buffalo – from the eyes of a “middle class and middle aged” person. Welcome, Mike!
I’ve been reading quite a bit about Ron Paul in the local blogosphere lately, especially after Jim Ostrowski’s interview on I’ve found him to be an interesting candidate – honestly pro-small government, pro-free market, and anti-war. After reading this post by Mike Rebmann today, I think my mind is made up. His views on…
Michael Rebmann over at North Buffalo Journal and Review is fighting the battle against net neutrality. He posted a video from to aid in his argument that the government must remain hands-off in this debate, no matter what. Now I understand that Michael’s a Libertarian, and while I agree with many aspects of the…