Love that 70s Chodge Darger!
(Thanks Autoblog)
As a web applications developer, I often read Jakob Nielsen’s articles on usability. His most recent article deals with something of interest to the blogging world – participation inequality, or as we might say, lurkers vs. commentors. In most online communities, 90% of users are lurkers who never contribute, 9% of users contribute a little,…
The radio this morning nailed it home. They were reporting on some survey of “young adults” and the upcoming election cycle. “The majority of 18-29 year olds feel they will have a significant impact on the next election.” That’s when I realized that as of yesterday, I was no longer part of that demographic. I…
This week’s Spam article is on a more serious note. Having long been a subscriber of McAfee’s security products, including McAfee SpamKiller, I was very curious as to certain changes made in their recent update from version 7 to 8. In version 7, SpamKiller would download all your mail to a “holding area” passing through…
I really didn’t even intend to try and get Ice Bowl tickets when I woke up this morning. I figured with 75,000 seats the game wouldn’t sell out for quite some time. Then I said to myself, well, if I’m planning on going, I may as well try and get the best tickets possible. So…
I managed to do something with the beautiful weather we had this extended weekend that I hadn’t had a chance to do all year – wash and wax BOTH cars. Those tasks always seem to get pushed to the back burner during the summer when the home improvement projects are in full swing. With the…