Look out the window
BuffaloGeek has asked us to take a picture of what we see out our windows, as a glimpse into our daily lives.
I’ll submit a shot Amanda took today, literally out the window. It’s our first dinner on our new patio.
Once again, the government’s attempts to fix “problems” they are incapable of fixing will screw us, the consumer. The latest energy bill has a provision to ban incandescent light bulbs. From the Chicago Tribune… “In this bill, we ban by 2012 the famously inefficient 100-watt incandescent bulb,” said Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice), who co-sponsored that…
So BuffaloGeek and BuffaloPundit have been discussing the county charter and the review meetings that were recently held. I did not attend any of the meetings. I did review the recommendations and generally I agree with them, and frankly didn’t feel I could offer much in the way of informed criticism of them. That and…
This weekend I’m focusing on unpacking the various boxes of stuff that should go in my office. Being the family geek means I accumulate quite a collection of computer pieces, cables, and other things to hang on my utility belt. So far I’ve uncovered: 8 Keyboards (1 USB, 5 PS2, and 2 AT) 6 Mice…
Funny, but I don’t ever remember putting “seeing a Terry Buchwald show” on my personal list of must-do Buffalo things. Regardless, Amanda and I had the, um, pleasure last night at a benefit for Variety Club organized by one of her coworkers. Don’t get me wrong, the benefit was great – well organized, well attended,…
Saturday, February 25th, 7pm @ Club Paradise 3950 McKinley Parkway, Blasdell NY Featuring: Michael Bly Dirty Little Business Cosmic Stepping Stone The Feast Breakerbox With visual displays by Garbaz, the Buffalo Barfly Girls, Labatt Blue/Blue Light specials, promotional giveaways, t-shirts, cds and more. Net proceeds to benefit the continued restoration of Buffalo Central Terminal Pre-Sale…
The News had a story on the “triple play” packages being offered by your local communications companies. The triple play is the bundling of a home phone service, TV, and internet all by the same provider for a theoretically better price. I say “theoretically” because while the price is almost certainly always better than if…