Chef needs some Chef Aid
Uh oh. Sounds like Chef may have been over exerting himself again. 😉 ;) Damn, women! He just gave you sweet lovin’ five minutes ago!
Here are this week’s five interesting articles… #1 – Microsoft UC Team Blog: Don’t Be the Last Company on Notes [Ed Brill] On behalf of 50,000 organizations worldwide, let me say this in the most professional way possible: Don’t insult us, Microsoft. Today, Microsoft came clean on their whisper campaign of the last six months,…
Our Christmas season is always very busy and this year was no exception. We spent time with family or friends almost every day since December 23rd. Interestingly though, I feel much more relaxed and rejuvinated than after most vacations, and I can’t really pinpoint what made this one different. Maybe it’s the fact that I…
From Random Thoughts 101, who kindly attended the town board meeting last night while the rest of us watched the Sabres game, the Hamburg Town Board smartly ended their misguided boycott of Mobil stations in the town. No word yet on whether or not Hochul bought all remaining copies of the New York Times from…
It’s not often that I talk about work. Frankly, I talk enough about work… at work. Besides, I know that most of you don’t want to hear the geeky details of my daily work life anyways. Today, however, I launched something that’s as close to cutting edge as we get at Praxair – an RSS…