Dusting off
Hey all… I’m dusting off the long-neglected Punaro.com. It’s going to look like a mess for a bit. Do not adjust your set. It’s not you, it’s me.
I’ve been watching “The Shot” on VH1, a pretty standard formula reality show about a group of budding photographers. I started watching it thinking it might be interesting since I like photography myself. Unfortunately, I think it suffers from not getting enough into the photography aspect, and focusing too much on the personalities of the…
Are you ready for this? Ok…. here it comes…. Ta-da! House! A lot happened in the last few weeks, despite no posts here. You should also watch for interm updates on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. We can set aside the silly notion I had that I’m going to blog daily. Frankly, the current performance of…
I did make it out to the presentation of the pro-net neutrality petitions to Senator Schumer’s office today. Jen has a wrapup on her site. I have more to say on the issue, but I’m still adjusting to Amanda’s new schedule, so it’ll have to wait for another day.