Look out the window
BuffaloGeek has asked us to take a picture of what we see out our windows, as a glimpse into our daily lives.
I’ll submit a shot Amanda took today, literally out the window. It’s our first dinner on our new patio.
This election cycle for me is about voting against the candidates and the things I don’t like about the political process. I’m not excited about any of the possible candidates in any of the races, frankly. So here’s my anticipated rundown… NYS Governor: NOT Spitzer. I hate how he’s been annointed Governor since before the…
Dear Governor Spitzer, I’m not going to spend much time on this letter, because I’m fairly certain you’re not going to understand it anyways. It’s hard to teach an old Democrat new concepts, like economics. I read through your State of Upstate address and boy was I impressed. It’s astounding how someone who spent so…
Unfortunately, I can be of little help in the voting booth to get Tom Suozzi through the primary, but I can help share his message. Hop over to WNYMedia.net for the video of last night’s Town Hall Meeting in West Seneca and to BuffaloGeek and SpeakupWNY.com for reviews. I have no faith that Spitzer will…
I’ve been watching “The Shot” on VH1, a pretty standard formula reality show about a group of budding photographers. I started watching it thinking it might be interesting since I like photography myself. Unfortunately, I think it suffers from not getting enough into the photography aspect, and focusing too much on the personalities of the…
After seven parties in six days, we finally get a break… until New Year’s Eve, when everyone will be coming here. Christmas is by far the busiest season for us. Amanda sang four masses between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, in between the various parties. I used my last two vacation days on the 21st…