Plaza de la villa
Back on to the Europe photos then. Still traipsing around Madrid, we are. Psst…. I also made a little tweak to the site’s CSS so that anytime I center an image it automatically adds a 20px black frame around it. Nice, huh?
All posts created by Derek
Back on to the Europe photos then. Still traipsing around Madrid, we are. Psst…. I also made a little tweak to the site’s CSS so that anytime I center an image it automatically adds a 20px black frame around it. Nice, huh?
A little break from the Europe photos… I caught this spectacular cloud yesterday on the drive home. The colors were even more fantastic 10 minutes earlier, but I had to wait to get to an open area to take the shot.
Ok, back on track. Here’s two last shots from the Mercado de San Miguel in Madrid.