
Upgradis Interruptus

The site transition was coming along really well until I had to take a trip to San Antonio for work last week. Luckily, I would say it’s about 80% complete at this point. I hope to have it out next week, since I’m off. I’m changing the color scheme, but trying to keep the basic…


Moving right along

Well, I have to say this has been going a lot quicker than I thought it would. Porting over all my old content has been a breeze, although I’ll probably spend some time in the future reworking some of it. I still need to rework the navigation and fix a slew of UI problems, but…


The Upgrade Begins

I’ve begun exploring upgrading Punaro.com to work in conjunction with a blogging software. This site works off of a series of server side includes and a home grown content management system that I created for a project while I was still in college. While it was pretty neat-o in it’s day, that was almost 7…