Multiple choice

It’s an exceptionally hot summer day in Buffalo. After a long, boring day at work, do you: A. Hop in the nearest pool B. Enjoy dinner and a movie in lovely, comforting air conditioning C. Take a stroll along the beach D. Rip four seasons of decorative crap out of the closet under the stairs…

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Spam special 7/30

I love it when spammers are too stupid for their own good and screw up their garbage. Abel Vang wants us to know about “Brand Name Watches at Basement Prices” but only manages to get this out… Lois http://%OBSCURE Abel Vang Damn, Abel. I was so excited to FINALLY be able to find where those…


No snow in sight

Generally, I don’t give much creedence to the accuracy of weather forcasting in Buffalo, but I do keep ForecastFox running down at the bottom of Firefox because it’s much less intrusive than Weatherbug. So this morning, I fire up my browser and see this: *click* Wow. Buffalonians are going to be clamoring for snow soon!